6 Aug 2012

London Adventures - Vintage London

This weekend I went to a vintage fair at The Old Spitalfields Market

full of loads of pretty vintage lovelies

I was drooling over the vintage maps

stunning kimono's

Around the edges of the market are really interesting stores, including Elemental, full of quirky wonderful finds

including this amazing 1930's dolls house

Then we went to find a store that I have long wanted to visit

Utilitarian chic at its best

I just had to show you a couple of my finds that I am loving

This gorgeous portable vintage typewriter

in my favourite colour - seagreen with a little hint of red

and this pretty floral print

which turned out to be a Vernon Ward - love it !

An all round great day :)


  1. Looks like a fabulous market. We just gave away an antique typewriter to a client's son who has started a collection.

    Joyeuses Pâques, Leeann x

    1. Hi Leann, lovely to hear from you :)

      It was a brilliant market, a vintage wonderland. Lucky boy, you gotta love an antique typewriter, so much character!

      Thanks for stopping by, I am going to be blogging much more regularly I promise :)

      V x


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