18 Jun 2012

and in other news......

....I'm back in London!

I got offered a great interior design job and I thought, why not! My shop hope & glory is still online, but the phyiscal store is now closed. I'm looking forward to sourcing gorgeousness on this side of the globe to stock the shop with and blogging about my adventures :)

Speaking of adventures, this was a great day out that my lovely friend Sarah & I have about three weekends ago.


The weekend before last my lovely friend Sarah went out to enjoy some of the events that were part of Chelsea Fringe, lots of great garden based events around London, an alternative version of Chelsea Flower Show.

This is an incredible community project - The Dalston Eastern Curve Garden, built on a disused portion of railway.

a beautiful green oasis in the middle of gritty London, where green space is few & far between

A great mix of urban art & nature

it was such a beautiful day, my lovely friend Sarah the ultimate garden nymph
they are currently building a green house

The amazing open air communal space is well used and is even home to a pizza oven

Time for lunch and across the road is the Farm Shop, an amazing cafe that grows most of its own produce onsite, there are chickens on the roof, tomatos in a room at the top of the stairs, mushrooms growing in the basement, a poly tunnel of veggies and herbs in the back garden and salad greens in the cafe itself!

delicious sandwich

We then wandered over to the King Henry's Walk Garden, a more established community garden also in the Dalston area. It was amazing totally hidden away, like a little piece of paradise, we loved it :)

After all that it was time for a drink :)

Ice cold Mojitos were the perfect way to end the day!

Everyone we meet that day who were involved in the projects, were so friendly; aren't gardeners just the nicest people.

1 comment:

Thanks for commenting it really makes my day :)