14 Jul 2012

Eltham Palace

A couple of weekends ago (when it wasn't raining....), I did one of my favourite things, visiting a historic house and garden; and what better place to visit than Eltham Palace

Sometimes the getting there is part of the experience. My friend Sarah and I walked from where she lives in South East London, along the green chain walkway to Eltham.

I love these hidden green spaces in busy old London

calm and tranquil

with views of the city beyond

and gorgeous feisty horses

Mama and foal

the suburb of Eltham that has built up around Eltham Palace is green and very pretty

incredible houses

and finally we arrived, this is the bridge across the moat to Eltham, you can just see the house

A beautiful Art Deco extravaganza, built onto a the remains of Henry the VIII childhood home. 

from the classical exterior you come into this extraordinary entrance hall, its like being in a ship, beautiful!

The sumptuous dinner room with gold leaf ceiling designed to reflect its warmth and flatter the diners

wonderful circular bedrooms

my favourite room, her glorious bathroom. The hidden panel in the corner is a door
that the maid would nip through to run the bath, without disturbing the lady of the house

Art deco splendor with gold mosaics

his bedroom, with wonderful wall frieze

and a hidden door through to his bathroom

love the colours

inside the banqueting hall, the only remaining piece of Henry VIII childhood home

And of course there are the gardens, built around the original palace ruins

A great day out, I highly recommend it!


  1. Nicola Holmwood15 July 2012 at 07:29

    Hi Vanya!
    Glorious photos of a beautiful place (I've never been but now wish I had!) on what looks to be a beautiful English summer day - a lucky find this year! Enough to make me homesick!!
    Nicola xx

  2. Oh it looks just lovely~!....smiles


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